Plans and administers the Christian education program of the church, including Sunday School, Bible study classes and leadership education. Christian Education also, plans and coordinates the youth program, including recreational activities and special youth activities.
The Communications Ministry uses various types of media (website, newsletter, and video) to inspire, inform, and invite participation in the life, mission, and purposes of the Church. The Communications ministry meets monthly to implement its multifaceted program.
Meets once monthly to ensure a spirit-filled and meaningful worship service. We invite and encourage worship through song and other art forms all to the glory of God.
We strive to reach the unreached while providing a challenging and growing environment for believers
The program includes Sunday School for Kindergarten through High School every Sunday and Youth Sunday the 5th Sunday of each month where they participate in all aspects of the worship service.
We invite your child to come and be blessed by the teaching and activities specifically geared towards their age level.